Three Scouts receive Eagle rank awards

Special to the Clinton Journal / Ed Cicenas
Posted 5/1/19

Three Scouts receive Eagle rank awards

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Three Scouts receive Eagle rank awards


CLINTON — Three scouts from Clinton BSA Troop 1142 were presented their Eagle Rank awards during a special evening held at First Christian Church. 

Terry Hendriex, Bailyn Richards and Robert Pakidis earned the highest rank attainable in Scouts BSA program of the Boy Scouts of America. In addition to completing all the requirements of rank, merit badges and leadership, each of the Scouts took on projects for the improvement of the community overall

Hendriex completed totally rebuilding the handicap accessible area by the spillway at Weldon Springs for fisherman, making it accessible for all to enjoy the fishing.

Richards took on removing and replacing all the seating, the pathway and beatifying areas at Lone Oaks Amphitheater at Weldon Springs — fully completing a project that Eagle Scout Conner Husted started with the restoration of the actual stage area itself for his project the previous year.

Pakidis took on the task of obtaining and then equipping an Honor Trailer for the AmVets and American Legion for transportation of flags for different events for the veterans groups.

In all three cases, the Scouts took on the challenge creating the entire plan of how to make their vision a reality.

They planned, found the needed funding (including help raise money), and then organized adults, other Scouts and other youth in all aspects of making their project a reality.

The three boys chose to have their Eagle ceremonies together — hosting more than a 100 people who attended the event, which included numerous speakers from Scouting and from the Clinton community.

In addition to receiving their own awards, they handed out gifts to some of the leaders, community members and family who helped make their vision a reality. Current Scoutmaster Ron Armstrong and former Scoutmasters Don Husted and John Goergen along with BSA Venturing Crew Scoutmaster Robert Kreitler were recognized for their help over the years in helping the Scouts achieve their dreams.

The Eagle Scout program has been around since 1911 in the BSA — with only 4% of the Scouts earning this rank and only after an extensive review process. The Scouts must pass muster as leaders within the troop, demonstrate Scout Spirit by living the Scout Oath and Scout Law and much more. Both Hendriex and Richards held the highest leadership positions as scouts, Senior Patrol Leader, guiding the troops on outings and much more. Pakidis held other leadership positions within the troop.

All three boys will continue with the troop until the can no longer by Scouts (when they turn 18) in helping fulfill their duties to mentor and guide younger Scouts up through their ranks.

In the second image, former Troop 1142 Scoutmaster Don Husted helps place the new Eagle neckerchief on Bailyn Richards as Terry Hendriex and Robert Pakidis watch. Also watching and helping with the ceremony from behind the three Eagle Scouts was Dennis Luxe of Troop 1142.