The Culinary Corner

Summing-up the cookies

Roger Joss
Posted 7/11/19

The Culinary Corner

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The Culinary Corner

Summing-up the cookies


Welcome to my little corner of culinary delights.  This concludes the articles on cookies.  Before I began on this cookie adventure, I had no idea it would require so many articles.  But then again, cookies are very popular and common to say nothing of the countless varieties.  Since we covered a lot of material on cookies, it would be good to summarize.  Test your retention skills.

With each of the seven types of cookies, there exists countless kinds.  Oatmeal, chocolate chip, peanut butter, snickerdoodle, ginger snaps and countless others are examples of drop cookies.  The type of cookie helps to identify the level of skill required and equipment needed.  The kind of cookie is based upon the main flavor intended such as oatmeal for oatmeal/raisin cookies.

Along the way, I dispensed with giving tricks of the trade.  I did not wish to depart from primary needs since we had much to cover.  I will now give some tips on better baking.  It is commonly understood to have eggs and butter at room temperature for preparing doughs or batters.  This is best done for eggs needing separated; yolks from the whites.  I do not see warm eggs being necessary if the whole egg is being incorporated.

For creaming and for bread doughs, as well as biscuit and pancake batters, I prefer butter to be cool and not cold or at room temperature.  If too soft, it soaks in making a paste.  Cold butter is very difficult to incorporate.  I find that my method improves on the texture and flavor.  Temperature needs are not generally covered regarding ingredients such as peanut butter.  Sticky ingredients, such as peanut butter, are easier to handle if cold.  Handling sticky garnishes, such as chopped dates, I covered in an earlier article.

I take credit for discovering the following.  I explained how bar cookie dough tends to flatten before it is sufficiently cold.  I gave my “rolling” method as detailed in an earlier article.  Another method of mine is to place the batter into a pipe.  PVC plastic pipe works since it will not be subjected to heat.  Be sure it is lined with either waxed or parchment paper.  Foods are not to come in direct contact with PVC.  Best yet is to use stainless steel tubing if you can find the sizes needed.  Next best is polycarbonate tubing.  Some industrial supply companies might supply it.  A good hardware store can order it.

Very rarely does one need to sift dry ingredients.  Much of this sifting business is to thoroughly mix the ingredients especially if there is baking powder included.  Another reason for sifting is to aerate thus lighten the flour used for delicate cakes.  Using a Foley fork (granny fork) is best for both purposes.  If you do not have that, use a whisk.  Use a table fork if you have neither of the above.  Also, you will have less of a mess to clean-up later.

Until next time, peace to all.