The Supremes

Richard Koritz
Posted 10/19/21


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The Supremes


Lest we forget, there are nine black robes that impact all of us. Not a single Supreme Court Justice received our vote. They have life time appointments and a pretty good salary with benefits.

We do elect our U. S. Representatives and Senators. We argue and debate politics, and those Senators and Representatives change every two or six years as the political whims of the public change. Those nine folks on the Supreme Court just stay and continue their duties until they retire or die in office. That is the way our Constitution is written.

Our founding fathers wanted a government that would last over time. They understood that the public’s political opinions would sway over time on current issues. Those founding fathers wanted a nation built on a foundation of law that would endure the ravages of current public opinion.

That public opinion has railed against the Court by both the right and the left. Several years ago right was up in arms that the Supreme Court was an “activist” court that was simply liberals enacting law via the judiciary. Today, the liberal progressives claim the Supreme Court is too restrictive and does not acknowledge individual rights. The nine black robes keep on, keeping on.

• See Richard Koritz' complete column in the Friday, Oct. 22, print edition of the Clinton Journal or now in the Journal E-Edition for subscribers.