Impending autocracy


Are we in a critical time that might bring us to a survival mode?  I say we are at a juncture that can go either way.

I am an elderly man.  Therein, my purpose for living is greatly diminished.  My losses pale in face of future generations’ needs.  We owe it to them as it was owed to us.  My father helped to secure our future by his sacrifice.  To protect our democracy under the constitution, he gave his life during World War II.  He lived through the Hitler years knowing the destructive powers of dictators and misplaced loyalties.

What have we?  We have a nation that evolved through growing pangs to the most powerful nation in the world.  Generation after generation, we have seen great innovations, not only in commerce, but in government.  Decade after decade, the United States of America has grown stronger in all directions.  How was this possible?

There had to be independence from a monarchy.  Unfettered control threatens global freedoms and security.  True freedom comes from loyalty to a cause and not a person.  It fosters the growth that made America great.  In contrast, to serve a dictator is proven to be a one-way street.  Autocracy destroys individualism.  And a theocracy fosters occultism.  But democracy seeks justice for all.  Therefore, democracy is dependent upon the people doing the right thing.  We must not remain static.

What is the bulwark that has ensured this greatness in the U.S.A.?  It was spelled out in the Declaration of Independence sent to King George III.  It spelled out individualism that necessitated a democracy controlled by the constitution under and for the people.  The constitution protects our democracy by being the guideline for our laws.  Therefore, all of this is preserved by the judicial system reliant upon the constitution.  It must therefore be governed by the people if the people are to be served.  Ultimately, the constitution must be protected for democracy to exist.

History tells us that Hitler’s slogan, “Make Germany Great Again,” as given in his 1932 Munich speech, addressed Germany’s disastrous post war conditions.  However, Trump’s slogan, “Make America Great Again,” is totally out of context.  America was the greatest nation but took several steps backward during Trump’s administration.  To say nothing of its worst deficit.

Upon President Hindenburg’s death, Hitler insisted that all who wanted favors had to take an oath of loyalty exclusively to him.  He sought for corrupt people in office knowing they would do anything to remain in office.  The more they were corrupt, the easier it was to control them.  Hitler packed the government with loyalists to wreak havoc and cause confusion in the Reichstag (parliament).  It is easier to sway votes in a confused atmosphere.  Congress could be manipulated to look bad or good for one person, him.  Does that sound familiar?

When a candidate must lie about his past performance and every living U.S. president is against that candidate, that is telling you something.  Vote your conscience.


Roger Joss
